Browser compatibility
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Bent Council is rendered beautifully on Macs by all the WebKit-based browsers. To see this site as it is meant to be seen, set standard fonts to 13 at a screen resolution of 1680x1050 pixels.
WARNING—Use of WebKit browsers on Macs can seriously enhance your enjoyment of the Internet. You have been warned!
Bent Council is rendered acceptably by all the Mozilla-based browsers on Macs. On PCs running all versions of the Windows OS, this site is rendered semi-acceptably by the WebKit browsers, the latest versions of the Mozilla browsers, and Microsoft's Internet Explorer 8. To see this site at its best on PCs, set standard fonts to 12 or lower at a screen resolution of 1680x1050 pixels, and enable anti-aliasing.
No version of Internet Explorer up to IE7 renders Bent Council acceptably. Furthermore, this thing does not support the position:fixed CSS declaration, the nail peg proudly upon which I hang my sidebar, and the single 'jaw-dropping' feature of this site. Users will, therefore, get an inconvenient gap replacing the sidebar when scrolling is necessary.
BC 2008 WPL · Blog safely · Bent Council