Rogue's Gallery
The employees of Brent Council identified below have performed incompetently, corruptly and complacently
18th October 2008 « Corrupt Council
Revised: 2-5-10, 5-3-11
These Council employees pose a danger
The Council employee Catherine (Kate) Dack
Described herself as a 'complaints officer' in 2002 and as 'repair complaints and disrepair manager' in 2005.
Dack mislead the Ombudsman by supplying untruthful information in 2002 (see The Council lie to the Ombudsman Soiling my windows and see also My complaint of 2002/3 to the Ombudsman Revolting Brent).
CONCLUSION—The Council employee Dack is dishonest and acted corruptly.
The Council employee Oladipo Koleoso
Described himself as a 'housing officer' in 2001.
Koleoso failed to keep several appointments to meet me following my complaint of nuisance from nfh in September 2001 (see The Council's refusal to act Soiling my windows).
CONCLUSION—The Council employee Koleoso is dishonest.
The Council employee Pat Gooden
Described itself as a 'housing officer' with the Council's 'neighbour relations team' in 2003.
Gooden supplied false and inaccurate information to a Councillor in November 2003 (see Befuddled, bewildered Brent The 'neighbour relations team').
CONCLUSION—The Council employee Gooden is incompetent and dishonest.
The Council employee Helen Evans
Described herself as 'managing director' of Brent Council's 'housing service', aka 'brent housing partnership'.
Evans told the Local Government Ombudsman in 2006 the Council had no evidence of nuisance caused by a neighbour identified throughout Bent Council as nfh (see Supplying evidence to the Council Uncaring Brent).
She mislead the Ombudsman deliberately and also failed to draw the Ombudsman's attention to evidence in the Council's possession (see My complaint of 2005/6 to the Ombudsman Revolting Brent).
CONCLUSION—The Council employee Evans is dishonest and acted corruptly.
Helen Evans, the face that sank a thousand ships!
The Council employee Olga H(abana?)
Known to me as a 'housing officer', but described herself as a 'tenancy officer' on 14-1-2004.
The visit of H(abana?) to my home on 14-1-2004 has not been acknowledged in the Council's report to the Ombudsman in 2006.
Despite my telling H(abana?) of the assault on me (which had occurred several days previously) during her visit to my home on 14-1-2004, the Council told the Ombudsman it was not aware of this assault at this time (see The aftermath Uncaring Brent).
CONCLUSION—The Council employee H(abana?) is dishonest and acted corruptly.
The Council employee Patrick Femi
Described as a 'surveyor' in 2004.)
Femi failed to keep an appointment on 23-1-2004 to inspect the overflow pipe fitted by nfh. When he turned up unannounced several days later, he failed to give an honest explanation for his failure to keep the appointment (see A portal to the Black Hole of Brent Incompetent Brent).
CONCLUSION— The Council employee Femi appears to have acted inconsistently with his duties as a public servant.
The Council employee Janet Coote
Described herself as a 'housing officer' with the Council's 'anti-social behaviour team' in 2005.
By appointment, Coote came to my home in November 2005 on the pretext of dealing with complaints of neighbour nuisance I had made one year previously. I told her to leave my home when she refused to allow me to make an audio recording of this meeting.
Later, Coote gave an untruthful account of what I had actually said to her at this 'meeting' (see The Council employee Janet Coote Coote and Longdon).
CONCLUSION—The council employee Coote is dishonest.
The Council employee Christian Longdon
Described himself as 'area housing manager' with the Council's 'housing service', aka 'brent housing partnership' in 2005.
Longdon sent me a letter dated 20-12-2005 regarding the visit of Coote to my home in November 2005. In this letter, he expressed support for Coote's untrustworthy behaviour. Longdon also failed to investigate the circumstances which lead to the premature ending of the meeting with Coote (see The Council employee Christian Longdon Coote and Longdon).
CONCLUSION—The Council employee Longdon is incompetent and, possibly, dishonest.
The Council employee Tom Dove
Described as a 'repairs surveyor' in 1996.
Dove failed to respond to my complaints of water leaking onto my balcony from the flat of nfh, allowing the nuisance to continue (see Water continues to flow and also On a separate issue… Misusing their balcony).
CONCLUSION—The Council employee Dove is incompetent.
The Council employee Eulyn Bennett
Described as a 'customer services officer' in 1996.
Bennett refused to deal with rubbish falling onto my balcony from the flat of nfh, allowing the nuisance to continue (see My fruitless complaints Litter and filth).
CONCLUSION—The Council employee Bennett is incompetent.
The Council employee Barbara Rowe
Described herself as a 'housing officer' in 2001, and as an 'antisocial behaviour team manager' in 2006.
Rowe failed to respond to my complaints of nuisance from nfh (see Falling on deaf ears Washing machine noise, and see also Other nuisance caused by nfh Misusing their balcony).
CONCLUSION—The Council employee Rowe is incompetent.
The Council employee Anthony Gushman
Described as a 'senior surveyor' in 2006.
Gushman refused to take action in January 2006 on seeing the damage to my balcony window caused by misuse of the rainwater runoff on the balcony of nfh (see Water continues to flow Misusing their balcony).
CONCLUSION—The Council employee Gushman is incompetent.
The Council employee Catherine Taylor
Described herself as a 'housing officer' with the Council's 'neighbour relations team' in 2003.
Taylor failed to resolve any of the nuisance caused by nfh and which I had reported to her. She also refused to respond to my continuing complaints of nuisance after April 2003 (see Enter the antipoidean The 'neighbour relations team' and see also Choosing routes available to me A neighbour from hell).
Taylor also failed to complete accurately a referral form for Brent Mediation Service by omitting relevant information, substituting it with incorrect information (see Befuddled, bewildered Brent The 'neighbour relations team').
CONCLUSION—The Council employee Taylor is incompetent.
The Council employee Jacqueline Ebanks
Described herself as a 'housing officer' in 2004.
Ebanks claimed to be investigating the issues related to my rent strike as notified to the Council in August 2004. She failed to deal with the issues she claimed to be investigating and failed to respond after February 2005 (see Deeper into the Black Hole of Brent Uncaring Brent).
CONCLUSION—The Council employee Ebanks is incompetent.
The Council employee Gareth Daniel
Describes himself as Brent Council's 'chief executive'. On a number of occasions, Daniel has been made aware of the serious issues identified throughout Bent Council (see An open letter to Brent Council). These issues have included the deception of the Local Government Ombudsman by identified Council employees. Rather than address these issues, Brent Council have tried to intimidate me into removing this information from Bent Council (see Battling Brent), including the two photographs published on this page.
CONCLUSION—In refusing to deal with these serious issues, Brent Council have shown blatant corruption at the highest levels of management. As its 'chief executive', Daniel has shown an inherent dishonesty through an extraordinary complacency, acknowledging tacitly that the Council set out deliberately to deceive the Ombudsman. Daniel's dishonesty in trying to disguise this fact renders him unsuitable for continued service to the borough's residents in any capacity whatsoever.
Gareth Daniel, the head who sees no evil, undoes no evil…
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